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  Revealing Wholeness—September 2011, Vol. 1.
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The Real You
Ernest Holmes

Dr. Ernest HolmesIf man is seeking God, and if he happens to have the ability to think straight through, he will arrive at the inevitable conclusion that the discovery of God will have to come through the discovery of himself. This calls for an absolute unity between God and man, not a unity someday to be attained, but one that exists now....As man mentally retraces his steps to the Source of his being—God—there gradually awakens in his consciousness a concept of himself which is transcendent of the objective form. Every individual who lives finds that the great within of himself is immersed in God and is God, even though the mental makeup of himself is largely the result of his experience. If there is anything that we need to know it is this: that the Eternal is incarnated in each one of us; that God goes forth anew into creation through each one of us; and, in such degree as we speak the Truth, the Almighty has spoken. Once we gain this heavenly vision of our Divine Sonship, we should claim our Divinity; demonstrate It every day and refuse to make the slightest concession to appearances.

From It’s Up to You by Ernest Holmes, published by Tarcher/Penguin.

Spiritual Mind Treatment for September 11, 2011
Dr. Kathy Hearn

Dr. Kathy HearnOn this meaningful day – the 10th anniversary of 9/11 – I allow myself to settle into the deep core of peace at the center of my being. I honor and appreciate all the thoughts, feelings, recollections, remembrances, responses, reactions, commentaries, and projections that fill and surround me, whether they are generated by me or by others. I know that each thought is part of the human kaleidoscope of perception, each in its own way valid and valuable, each a window of insight into a profound occurrence.

I resolutely turn to the truth that I know – recognizing that there is only One Life, that this Life is Good, and this Life is God, and this Life is my life now and the life of all beings everywhere across time and space. I know that the One Life of God cannot be against Itself and, therefore, I know that at the deepest level of spiritual truth I cannot be against anyone or anyone against me. I allow the image of our beautiful planet as seen from space to be the abiding image in my mind today. I embrace the One World upon which we who are living share life together. I know that I am not and cannot be divided or separated from anyone or anything in creation.  I allow myself to dwell in the realization of the Unity out of which all life has come.

I know that I am here to reveal the Glorious Good of God in, through and as all aspects of my life. I give myself permission to move forward from all harmful acts done by myself or others, not denying what has taken place but rather clearly and powerfully choosing to no longer suffer the damage of any previous experience. I release myself and all others to our highest and greatest good and full joyful self-expression. I allow myself and all others harmless passage through my mind. I let Spirit move through me and as me to use me as an instrument of peace in my daily life. I take responsibility for what moves through my consciousness, understanding that my thoughts create my world. I know that I am responsible for the energy I bring to each situation and relationship. I do my best to establish a Garden of Eden within me. As I nourish myself with the truth and perception of oneness I offer this fruit to others. I also do my best to create around me the world I wish to see – a world of love, acceptance, harmony, caring, forgiveness and mutual support.

I give thanks for the full realization of God’s Love in and as my life. I release this word to the creative medium of the Law of Mind, knowing that this Good and even greater Good than I can speak is already done. And so it is. And so I allow it to be.  Amen.

James Redfield Speaks on The Twelfth Insight: The Hour of Decision

James RedfieldIn the September issue of Science of Mind, Barry Ebert interviewed author James Redfield about his book The Twelfth Insight as well as his insights for 2012.

The theme of synchronicity is apparent in all of Redfield’s novels, and it is at the heart of The Twelfth Insight. Enjoy this clip of Redfield discussing his newest book and how now is the time to take these synchronicities and return to an authentic, honest life. The spiritual world awaits us—it only takes a knock at the door.

September is the month when we traditionally think of our kids returning to school. Rev. Barry Ebert helps us remember how to empower our children.

The Gift of Free Will 
Rev. Barry Ebert

The greatest gift Life could have made to you is yourself. You are a self-choosing center in Life, in the great drama of being....

—Ernest Holmes, This Thing Called You  

Rev. Barry EbertAs we consider the many gifts that we have been given in this life, none is greater than the gift of free will. We have been placed in this human drama with the power to choose our course of action, and we live in a time when we can enjoy and experience this freedom like never before.

This is an important concept for our children to understand as they grow. Offering our children choices instead of demands whenever we can is a powerful learning tool. We want our children to make lots of mistakes when the price tags are small so that they can learn about the power of their choices. We give them the opportunity to fail so that they can choose success for themselves.  

We all want our children to make good choices and to avoid the mistakes that we might have made along the trail of our own lives. But we should also remember that we usually learn the most important things not from our successes, but our failures. If we love our kids enough to support them as they develop their skills in choice-making, we give them the opportunity to fully develop their greatest gift. 

Rev. Barry and the Kids

Isn’t it inspiring to know that our youth can be raised with life-empowering messages! Click here to view Barry Ebert and the Colorado Children’s Chorale sing “Growing with Spirit” at the Journey of Hope Benefit Concert performed at Red Rocks Park in Colorado.


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