Science of Mind

Your Word Is Powerful
—Justine Volkman

Justine VolkmanErnest Holmes once said, “Wake up! Your word is all powerful. Your consciousness is one with Omnipotence. Your thought is infinite.” When I was first introduced to Religious Science, one of the most attractive elements of the teaching was the fact that my own thoughts and words create my life. I felt a sense of power penetrate my being and seep from my every pore. I was the creator of my reality, I thought to myself. This realization astounded me.

In this day and age, however, the use and abuse of words and thoughts has the potential to be far more powerful than ever before, for it is at our fingertips, literally. As a college student, social media has infiltrated my life, and it is rapidly spreading across generation lines. While the power of social media is undeniable, exemplified in everything from political campaigns to viral web sensations, users of social media often forget the power of the outlet with which they spew their every word and thought.

Social media is a factory of creation, receiving supplies in the form of words and thoughts that produce the goods that make up our reality. Too often, social media users forget the power that lies in every message, comment, status update, or photo. Too often, these seemingly trivial acts are thought to be powerless, when in reality they are the infrastructure of our minds. A positive thought on a social media site has the power to pull the heart strings and captivate the mind, while a negative thought can imprison the soul and conceal the presence of spirit. One post has the potential to touch millions. It is our responsibility as users of social media to regulate what we choose to display on our Facebook pages, for those words, thoughts, and images are the building blocks of the identity we create for ourselves.

Imagine a world where millions of people have access to a channel of positive thought that transcends the lines of age, race, and sexual orientation—a place where geography could no longer hinder an individual’s ability to make a soul connection with any other human being on the planet. The mind would not have to filter out the life-supporting thought from life-denying thought, and the potential for creative thought could escape from the confines of “limits” and “judgments” and become the true essence of God.

This is a call to action: Fill your heart, your head, and even your profile with the elements of your life that you wish to manifest, because the consciousness of millions is just a click away.

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