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April 2023 Newsletter #2
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Branch Out With Heart

Throughout April, Centers for Spiritual Living and Science of Mind magazine ask you to examine the power of vulnerability. In the April magazine, Ryan Alexander writes: “To be vulnerable is to explore the depths of ourselves and others, even when we are unsure what we may uncover. It is stepping out, whether literally or metaphorically and often in the face of uncertainty and fear, for the purpose of fostering a fuller expression of ourselves and others.”

He offers some practical examples of vulnerability, like taking chances, examining mistakes, facing difficult emotions and being honest with ourselves and others.

Rather than simply an individual act, Ryan writes, “Vulnerability calls us to create safe spaces, safe communities and safe relationships in which vulnerability can thrive. In this way, vulnerability becomes the starting point of authenticity and connection, not only connection with ourselves but also with Spirit and the world around us. It calls us to bring our own unique expression to life, while extending the same invitation to others.”

Vulnerability, he asserts, “lays the framework for us to reshape the societal narrative and create space for conversation and transformation.” Rather than something to be avoided, vulnerability becomes something to embrace and honor.

“The power of collective transformation is made possible through this seed of vulnerability,” he says. “Through fostering vulnerability in our families, our communities and our world, we bring to the surface the possibility of real and dynamic change. The possibility of transformation becomes more than just words or ideologies. It becomes a reality.”

Springtime Flowers

Embodiment of Love: A Prayer

By Rev. Dr. Sunday Coté

As I pause and breathe in deeply, I bring myself to this present moment. I am profoundly aware of the One Power and Presence that is the Eternal Voice, singing and expressing as Life Itself.

This is Love, the energy that pervades all I see, all I hear and all I feel. This is my experience of Life and the ever-present reality of the Divine. Since Life Itself springs forth from all expressions, it is easy to know this is true for me as well. I am one with Life. I am the embodiment of Love. The Eternal Voice sings through me, expressing perfectly as me.

As this expression, I know I have the clarity and courage to speak my authentic truth, to sing my authentic song, being brave in being myself, sharing my vulnerable truth.

I know that as I step into the truth of my being, there is a sense of freedom and joy. Claiming my divine right to be honestly and wholly me, I am loved.  In this truth, my way is made clear, and I accept the good that mirrors back to me. I know I am loved and accepted just as I am.

It is with a grateful heart that I claim the perfect place within and the perfect outer expression of it. I await with joyous anticipation the loving manifestation of my eternal quest as my authentic self. And so it is.

mountain field of flowers

No Limitation But Our Own

By Ernest Holmes

We are certain that the divine nature is one of goodness, truth, beauty, reason, love, kindliness, sympathy, understanding and responsiveness. We feel our own natures to be like unto it, the same in essence, though of course not the same in degree.

There is really, then, no limitation outside our own ignorance, and since we all can conceive a greater good than we have so far experienced, we all have within our own minds the ability to transcend previous experiences and rise triumphant over them.

But we shall never triumph over them while we persist in going through the same old mental reactions. There is something positive about a good mental treatment, something almost arbitrary, something relentless, unquestioning.

How can there be an acceptance of a greater good unless its spiritual significance rises through our mental equivalents to reach the level of that good? If we are still submerged in doubt and fear, in uncertainty and dread, shall not these monsters need first to be slain before peace and confidence can be gained?

— Excerpted from the April 2023 Science of Mind magazine.

Inside April’s
Science of Mind Magazine . . .

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April 2023  Cover Science of  Mind Magazine

Embrace Your Hidden Power
by Carol Carnes

Does the Internet Have a Soul?
by Christina Tillotson

Open Your Mind to God
by Ernest Holmes

Daily Guides:
Fearlessly Thrive as
Your Divine Self
by Louise Tallen, Ph.D, RScP

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