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September 2022 Newsletter #2
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Money Loves Rhythm

Growing money

The October 2020 issue of Science of Mind magazine marks our 96th year in continuous publication, so it's fitting that our monthly theme is Living Everyday Wonder — Finances.” The meaning profoundly extends beyond money and our earthly constructs. It's about aligning with the energy of our Source and living from the deep knowing that we are abundantly loved and supported. We are 7.8 billion expressions of the Divine walking this planet together at the perfect time.

Karen Russo, MBA, writes in the October issue, “Rhythm is the sustained forward movement of life. Rhythm is the vitality of creation. Rhythm is the combination of stillness and activity we feel in our heartbeat, in music, in relationships. Rhythms can be fast or slow, loud or soft, gentle or intense. When things are in rhythm, they often feel intriguing and attractive.”

After 30 years of study, Russo says she knows on thing for sure: Money loves rhythm. “Traditionally, we may have thought of money accumulation as a result of effort, luck, hard work, privilege, magic or manipulation, but that just isn't spiritually — or financially — accurate,” she explains. “Spiritual money mastery is a state of being with an inspired consciousness of wealth and a healthy, high-integrity financial experience of life. In my journey, I became convinced it is possible for all of us to create a satisfying spiritual financial life.”

She offers daily and weekly practices to create conscious moments in our financial lives. She says, “A holistic approach to money, based on the law of circulation, is the essence of money rhythm.”

Mindful Money Management

Hand on calacuator

In the January 2020 issue of Spirituality & Health magazine, writer Julie Peters acknowledges that “there are plenty of good tips out there for how to manage our money.” But if we want to truly make a change in our financial circumstances, she adds, we must take into account the emotional side of money management. Without addressing the emotional issues, “We'll never be able to truly make change.”

Clearly, we must pay attention to how our money numbers add up on the calculator, knowing where we are and where we want to be. Peters writes, though, “The sooner we acknowledge the emotional depths of our spending, the sooner we will have a sense of what we are really doing when we spend.”

She recommends, as you review bills and statements, you avoid getting stuck in shame or fear. Instead she suggests asking yourself: What do these numbers say about how I feel, what I need, and what I value?


Trust the Law to Work for You


By Ernest Holmes

Failure is the thought that there is not enough for all. … This is the way: Think what you want and then trust the law to work for you.

Suppose you want to do a certain thing. You must make up your mind what it is you want and then you must believe — believe in season and out of season, know every day that the thing you wish for is just at hand, waiting for your faith that it may be made manifest to you.

Your faith is the channel through which the Spirit is to make the gift. Faith is an absolutely positive and definite way of thinking. It is thinking the truth in spite of all appearances. Truth is the most radical thing on Earth, so do not listen to the people who do not understand the law and who are always predicting some sort of failure. You now are using unseen law, and if you want it to work for you, don t listen to anyone. Just know and that is all. Just know.

Affirmation: I live, move and have my being in Spirit-Abundance, perpetual harmony and love.

— Excerpted from the October 2022 Science of Mind magazine, originally published as Money Is a Spiritual Idea,” an article written by Ernest Holmes that appeared in Uplift Magazine, March 1918.

Inside October's
Science of Mind Magazine . . .

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October 2022 Cover Science of  Mind Magazine

Money Loves Rhythm
by Karen Russo

The Purpose of Money
Is Relationship
by Marcia Sutton & Lloyd Strom

The Spiritual Idea
Behind Your Finances
by Ernest Holmes

Daily Guides:
The 96th Anniversary Edition
by Ernest Holmes & Jesse Jennings

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