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January 2022 Newsletter #1
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Natural Wonder

Orient Yourself to Wonder

How often do we fail to notice the Divine in absolutely everything? That’s the question addressed by Jeffrey Ryan in the January 2022 issue of Science of Mind magazine. “We are so busy living our daily lives,” he writes, “often on autopilot, with our to-do lists and our routines that, more often than not, we are unaware of the wonder everywhere around us, in us, as us. When we aren’t present for our lives, we miss out on life itself.”

Ryan suggests we take this moment, right now, to orient ourselves to wonder. “We are surrounded by and immersed in awe-inspiring beauty, creativity, harmony, joy, love and possibility,” he says. “The universe is abundant and resplendent. There are no limits to the magnificence of the wonder Spirit created. Each person, each flower, each stone, each animal, each drop of water is a necessary and glorious part of the whole that is the Divine.”

Throughout the coming year, Centers for Spiritual Living and Science of Mind magazine will explore living everyday wonder. Each month’s magazine will include tools and practices designed to orient us to wonder in our day-to-day lives.

As Ryan asserts, “There is wonder in every day just waiting for us to live it. If we aren’t walking around with our mouths constantly agape in awe, then perhaps we need to start paying more attention.”

Winter Scene

Living Everyday Wonder: A Prayer

By Rev. Phil Tapp

Now is the winter. I am content, and into my innate sense of connection to the Divine, I relax and rest. That which is of God is the flow of perfection unfolding in a never-ending stretch of peace, love and harmony. It is both familiar and new in the same moment that I choose to recognize it. It is wonderful because of the newness, yet it feels safe and secure.

The fire is lit, the hearth is warm, and I am at home in the boundless magnificence of Spirit. … The creative power of being is present in me as it is in all, acting in me, through me and as me. There is no discernible difference between my creative power and that of the Divine. It is the same power, the same presence, the same being. I am that.

It is from this knowing that I claim the truth, that consciousness unfolding as Life is truly a wonder to witness. The miracle that is a new thought rises from the depths of Mind to spark the imagination, kindling the flame of inspiration, feeding the fire of growth in the cold dormancy of winter. …

With appreciation for all things sacred and profane, I release this to the law which makes it so. And so it is.

Peaceful Landscape

Enter a Newness of Life

By Dr. Ernest Holmes

I believe Divine Intelligence, which is the Mind of God, is guiding, guarding and directing my thoughts and actions. I believe God already knows the answer to this particular problem; therefore, I am letting go of the problem and I am listening to the answer as thought it were sure.

The answer to this problem exists in the Mind of God and is revealed to my mind now. Something in me does know what to do. I joyfully accept Its guidance. I am open to new ideas, new hopes and new aspirations. This which so recently seemed a problem no longer exists, for the Mind of God, which knows the answer, is quite flowing through my thought and feeling.

Great peace and joy come over me as I accept this answer from the Giver of All Life.

—Excerpted from the entry for January 1, 365: Science of Mind — A Year of Daily Wisdom from Ernest Holmes.

Inside January…

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January 2022 Cover Science of  Mind Magazine

A Year of Divine Recognition

The Practice of Quieting the Mind

Spiritual Shock Absorbers
by Ernest Holmes

Daily Guides
by Rev. Christine Green


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