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February 2021 Newsletter #2
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People making a heart

Love Unites Our Human Family

In the March 2021 issue of Guide for Spiritual Living: Science of Mind magazine, Diana Ensign, J.D., posits that “love is a powerful force that unites our human family.” She writes, “A compassionate heart allows us to see others in the same light — as humans deserving of respect, compassion and kindness.”

Ensign addresses what this means if we want to achieve CSL’s vision of creating a world that works for everyone. “We must be willing to see each other through a loving, compassionate heart,” she writes. “Our shared humanity reveals what is truly important in life: listening to one another, caring for on another, loving one another and helping one another in times of need.”

Every day offers us opportunities to practice our belief: “One tribe. One love.” “In fact,” Ensign says, “it is our willingness to love, again and again — despite the impermanence of the human condition — that carries the human spirit forward.

“What helps with human suffering?” she asks. “Love, for all.”

Birds crossing the gap

Healing Our Divide

The political and social divides in America feels like a chasm. Before we decide that the chasm can’t be crossed, we might consider that division is arguably a central trait in our country. Yet it is not uncrossable.

According to the American Psychological Association (APA), “Psychological science suggests that it is both possible and imperative for members of our society to find common ground.”

Existential fear appears to be at the heart of what drives polarization,” writes Kirk Schneider, Ph.D., adjunct faculty at Saybrook University in California and Teachers College, Columbia University in New York. Research indicates that the divisiveness will continue to grow if fear of the other and the wounds fueling that fear are not addressed.”

In a January 1, 2021, piece published on the APA website (, experts offer three ways to begin to heal our divides:

  1. Mitigate divisiveness by physically bringing people together in safe, highly structured groups.
  2. Be curious about and respectful of someone else’s views.
  3. Concentrate on face-to-face, mutually respectful and meaningful conversations.

A Big Rock with some one pushing it.

A Process of Faith

By Ernest Holmes

The potentialities of that which is abstract and universal will never be specific and concrete until they are channeled in and through a definite mold. …

This is a perfect teaching. First, by a process of faith, we can look at emptiness and fill it with something. Next, by a process of faith, we can reverse the procedure and look at an obstruction that is a physical something; and by knowing it is no longer sustained, it will be eliminated.

That is all creation is. No creation is permanent; it is the temporary appearance on and disappearance from the screen of human experience, an objective result of a subjective cause.

—Excerpted from “Freedom from Stress.”

Inside March…

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March 2021 Cover Science of  Mind Magazine

Seeing Others Through a Compassionate Heart

Your Life Vision:
Open to Possibilities

The Greatest of All Possibilities
by Ernest Holmes

Daily Guides
by Eugene Holden, RScP


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