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October 2020 Newsletter #1
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Chronicles of Religious Science: VOL. 2

The Light on the Path

The Light on the Path

by Ernest Holmes

There is a place on the side of the mountain we are all ascending where, having gone beyond the peaks that obstructed the Light for us, our ascent reaches an apex where no longer any shadows are cast.

This is the Light that is spoken of, that lighteth every man’s path, and as you believe that you live, believe that you are that Light. As you believe in the possibility of your own soul, believe it is God.

As you believe in God, believe in yourself.

—Excerpted from Cosmic Light by Ernest Holmes.

Resilience in the Time of Coronavirus

Zoom call

As the pandemic rages in much of the United States, we continue to face our fears, anxieties and even numbness from the ongoing onslaught. In the October 2020 issue of Science of Mind magazine, writer Tami Tack offers her thoughts about resilience in the overwhelming time.

She writes, “Knowing I am most resilient when my body’s needs are met, I care for it lovingly by eating well, getting adequate sleep and exercising daily. … I care for my intellect by using this time at home to learn something new, including taking online classes.”

She adds that her desire to connect with others sparked some creative online and telephone communications. “Instead of lamenting that I cannot get together with loved ones,” she says, “I focus on gratitude for the relationships I have and find ways to be together.”

She recognizes that each of us has challenges no one else can understand. And each of us has acted in less than skillful ways at times. “The gift of this pandemic is to see others as the divine beings they are, to look at the world through the eyes of Spirit.”

Milky way w mountains

Cosmic Connections

In her book Cosmic Connections: Ancient Knowledge Meets Spiritual Science, Dr. Cheri St. Arnauld offers her view of spirituality and the links between ancient knowledge and science. She examines a unique web of connections, focusing on assisting readers on a reflective journey of self-discovery.

She helps readers articulate their own definitions of spirituality, with a focus on the flow of universal energy. She delves into disruptors on the path, the lost teachings of Atlantis, the concept of One, string theory and quantum physics, among other spiritual and scientific teachings.

She writes, “Every move you make or thought you have and emotion you express will bring the same back to you. Your journey is but an introduction to a path of understanding, to co-create your own best world and consider a simple way of life that can change your thoughts, intentions and develop a shared vision to attain this world for all humanity — and ultimately for yourselves.”

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Inside October…

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October 2020 Cover Science of  Mind Magazine

Awaken Your Cosmic Nature

Beyond Chaos: 7 Qualities to Cultivate on the Journey to Joy

Cosmic Light by Ernest Holmes

Anniversary Guides: A Month with Holmes Curated by Rev. Dr. Jesse Jennings


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