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December 2020 Newsletter #1
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Chronicles of Religious Science: VOL. 2

Find Your Voice

Youth Choir

By Rev. Dr. Edward Viljoen

You have a specific voice — your individual identity as a spiritual being. It is beautiful in and of itself. You do not lose who you are when it is added to the voices of others. Coming together is one of the most beautiful things we can do. It amplifies our shared reality and honors our diversity.

In Thoughts Are Things, Ernest Holmes writes, “Life has set the stamp of individuality on you. You are different from any other person who ever lived. You are an individualized center in the Consciousness of God. You are an individualized activity in the Action of God.”

As a unique expression of life, surely you must be essential to the whole. If you were unnecessary, you would not have taken form on this plane. You are unique but not separate, and when you and I join our voices, the song we sing becomes better because of the combination of our uniqueness.

Affirmation: Today, I have a clear voice. I express myself easily and harmoniously with others because I know what lives in me is Divine.

Excerpted from the Daily Guide for December 9, as published in the December 2020 issue of Guide for Spiritual Living: Science of Mind magazine.

A Microphone

Three Steps to Finding

and Embracing Your Voice

Writing in Inc. magazine, Kelli Richards offers three steps to finding and embracing your voice. Although she specifically targets her message to female entrepreneurs, Richards, CEO of The All Access Group, offers insights for anyone who seeks to strengthen their voice.

  1. First, she says you should surround yourself with your tribe. “How you say what you have to share creates its own resonance,” she writes, “and it will find the right audience. Not everyone will be in sync with your style, but those who are will love it and want more. Those are the people you want to surround yourself with: your tribe.”
  2. Second, challenge yourself to express yourself in different ways. Consider who you are trying to reach with what you say, and then check to see if your message is being received as intended. “Are you hearing me?” “Does what I’ve said make sense?” “Do you have a different take?” Use your own phrasing, and verify your message is being received.
  3. Third, use your own stories. Experts are great, but nothing is as powerfully "you"as your own stories, analogies, and metaphors. “You're far more credible and interesting if you share your own life experiences in your own words, with your own intonation and energy,” Richards says. “Sharing something that happened to you personally translates into authenticity, presence and relatability — and people are drawn to that.”

Richards suggests that each of us remain true to our voice, every single time we use it. She writes, “Again, when you're comfortable expressing yourself in your own unique voice, it becomes easier to speak your position, share your stance and own and express your truth. Nothing's more powerful.”

— Learn more at

How the Mind Creates: Meditation

Winter lake scene

By Ernest Holmes

I know there is but One Power in the universe, and this Power is God. This God-Power I AM. This Power manifests in and through all form, all people, all conditions and is at the very center of my being.

This Power is Life Itself and Its nature is Love. It contains all Wisdom, Peace, Strength. At the center of my being, I feel this Perfection in me. I know it is all around me.

Everywhere I turn, I behold It. It is my whole being. Every cell and atom of my being, my every thought and feeling, my every act is an expression of this God Power. …

I know that Love protects Its own. I know that Love now makes clear the way before me, eliminating every seeming obstruction. I am guided into an ever-widening unfoldment of being, and I rest in perfect peace.

One with all Life, my every need is now fulfilled.

Excerpted from The Extension Study Course to the Science of Mind Textbook, Lesson Six, by Ernest Holmes.

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December 2020 Cover Science of  Mind Magazine

Spiritual Hero 2020:
Bryan Stevenson

Centered in Knowing

Recognizing Holiness

What Is Religion?
By Ernest Holmes

Daily Guides
by Rev. Dr. Edward Viljoen


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