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April 2019 Newsletter #1
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Celebrate Your Unique Divinity

What we know from Science of Mind teachings is that thoughts are things. As we know, what we think, we become.

In the April 2019 issue of Guide for Spiritual Living: Science of Mind magazine, writer Kelly Robbins, RScP, asks that each of us celebrate our own uniqueness. As she encourages us to shed thoughts about what or who we are not, she further suggests that we each “take the time to celebrate your ‘YOUness.’ Celebrate even the smallest shedding of who you are not, for you are uncovering your bright light,” she writes.

The theme of our April issue is “Celebrate Our Unique Oneness,” recognizing that we are one and yet that each of us is different. “Each of us in our own unique (and perhaps quirky) way is needed,” Robbins writes. “We are each a valuable contribution to the whole of the universe.”

Again, thoughts are things. And because that is true, Robbins encourages us to celebrate our own unique divinity. In fact, she believes this is an integral part of living a conscious, courageous life filled with love.

Tiger Lillies

Celebrate Rebirth

by Rev. Jane Beach

Easter invites personal rebirth, saying “yes” to that which is trying to be birthed in me. When I set a new intention for my life, old stuff rises to the surface to be examined. If I make a commitment to start exercising more, every excuse in the book is in my face, and my ego reminds me of all the times I’ve failed.

I need determination and continual practice to release those old habitual behaviors. No more waiting for the right time to start traveling or taking the class that caught my attention.

The universe senses what I allow into my life and gives me more of that. What will I allow today? Love or fear? New ideas of the status quo? Saying “yes” to rebirth, I choose well.

Affirmation: Rebirth — it’s a new day, and I say “yes” to new beginnings, expressing the love that I am.

Cherry Blossoms

Celebrate the Birth of Hope

In the February and April issues of Guide for Spiritual Living: Science of Mind magazine, Rev. Carol Wilke offers the first two parts of a six-part series on addiction and recovery. While her subject is both broad and specific, she offers a viewpoint that applies to each of us.

In the April issue, Wilke writes, “At the heart of New Thought is this principle that our minds and hearts are connected to a Divine Power that gives creative authority to our thoughts. This is the birth of hope.”

She further explains that the phrase, “Change your thinking, change you life,” is true because we put reality into the thoughts and feelings we embody. “And when we can line our path with positive, uplifting and supportive thoughts,” she says, “we expand beyond our wildest expectation.

“By embracing Science of Mind philosophy, I came to believe and shifted from wishing life were different into realizing and knowing life is always for me.”

Brid on a cherry blossom branch

Celebrate the Divine Nature in Each Person

by Ernest Holmes

This is The Thing Itself. Briefly, let us recapitulate. There is that within every individual which partakes of the nature of the Universal Wholeness and — in so far as it operates — is God. That is the meaning of the word Emmanuel, the meaning of the word Christ.

There is that within us which partakes of the nature of the Divine Being, and since it partakes of the nature of the Divine Being, we are divine. It reacts to us according to our belief in It; and it is an immutable Law, subject to the use of the least among us; no respecter of persons, It cannot be bound. Our Soul will never change or violate its own nature; all the denying of it will never change it; all the affirming of it will never make it any more than it is. But since it is what it is, and works in the way that it works, it appears to each through his belief. It is done unto each one of us as we believe. …

The mind which we discover within us is the Mind that governs everything. This is The Thing Itself, and we should recognize its simplicity.

— Excerpted from “The Science of Mind,” by Dr. Ernest Holmes

Inside April…

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April 2019 Cover Science of  Mind Magazine Cover

Defining Your Individual Spiritual Practice

Next Gen Profile:
Amanda Ganley

Your Real Self
by Ernest Holmes

April Daily Guides:
Written by Rev. Jane Beach


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