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October 2019 Newsletter #1
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What Do You Believe?

Path through woods

Beginning in the October 2019 issue of Science of Mind magazine, Rev. Dr. Petra Weldes offers a three-part series exploring the practical application of Science of Mind beliefs and how to use them in life-changing, thought-changing ways. Her first installment examines Science of Mind principles.

These principles articulate the basic ideas of the theory and philosophy of this teaching. Briefly stated, they are:

  1. Oneness: There is One Infinite Realty.
  2. Love: Love is the self-givingness of Universal Spirit through Its desire to express Itself in terms of creation.
  3. Creation: Creation is an expression of the One Infinity Reality.
  4. Threefold Nature: The One Infinite Realty expresses Itself in Spirit, law and body.
  5. Creative Process: We use the creative process to shape our human experience.
  6. Spiritual Laws: Spiritual laws are impersonal, consistent and intelligent and are always operating.
  7. Spiritual Beings: Individuals are spiritual beings living in a spiritual universe having a human experience.
  8. Freedom: Freedom is the birthright of every individual.
  9. Heaven: Heaven is the state of awareness of our true nature.
  10. Eternal Life: The One Infinite Reality is eternal. We believe in the eternality, the immortality and the continuity of the individual, forever and ever expanding.

— For more, see the October 2019 issue of Science of Mind magazine. The second installment in the series will appear in the November magazine.

Follow a Path to Inner Peace

Lake at sunrise

Toni Cardarella, Unity Arts Ministry, writes, “Our paths to peace are as individual as we are. Like a diet tailored to your health needs or the spiritual practices that bring you a sense of well-being, your window to peace, and its expression, is yours to discover.”

She offers eight ways in which we can expand our own inner peace:

    1. Pray
    2. Pause
    3. Radiate
    4. Meditate
    5. Movement
    6. Give
    7. Affirmations
    8. Music

Learn  more and find a guided meditation here.

Celebrating the High Holy Days

Yom Kippur

Tomorrow marks the end of Rosh Hashanah, with the celebration of Yom Kippur. Rosh Hashanah celebrates the start of the Jewish calendar and an intense 10-day sacred period called Yamim Noraim — Days of Awe. Yom Kippur calls on Jews to self-reflect, to turn to God, and to repent, engage in soul searching, forgive and move forward with gratitude.

Writing in the Washington Post, Michelle Boorstein highlights Rabbi Joseph Berman’s sermon for the High Holidays, in which he discussed the core ethos of a new synagogue in Northwest Washington: “Jews aren’t just white people from Europe,” he says. “I’m going to talk about how we are and always have been an ‘Erev Rav,’” using a term from Exodus defined as the mixed multitude of people who fled biblical Egypt with the Israelites.

Boorstein writes, “The message will resonate with members of his New Synagogue Project, which is one of an increasing number of U.S. Jewish organizations that are challenging the modern American image of Jews as Jerry Seinfeld-ian (or Sarah Silverman-ish) and bringing much more visibility and voice to Jews whose roots are African American, Middle Eastern, Asian and everything in between. The trend has opened conversations on racism, equity of power in the Jewish community, conversion and what it means to be ‘really Jewish.’”

Learn more about this effort here.

Ever a Witness

Woodland path

— by Ernest Holmes

Man, being an individual, may do as he wills with himself. As Browning said, he may desecrate but he can never lose his life. The spirit ever has a witness within us, and the God-intended man already knows that he is one with the whole; that nature is comprised of one ultimate power, using many instruments and having many avenues of expression.

The time has come in our evolution when we should awaken to the recognition that behind each one stands the eternal mind — that each has complete access to it; that each may come to it for inspiration and revelation — and that surrounding all is a divine law obeying the dictates of this eternal mind.

— Excerpted from The Science of Mind, as appears in the October 8, 2019, Daily Guide in Science of Mind magazine.

Inside October…

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October 2019 Cover Science of  Mind Magazine Cover

What Do You Believe?
Part 1 of a three-part series by
Rev. Dr. Petra Weldes

Evolution in Person:
Honoring Barbara Marx Hubbard

Special Section:
Celebrating Your Health & Wellness

Daily Guides by Ernest Holmes,
curated by Rev. Dr. Jesse Jennings


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