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August 2019 Newsletter #1
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A World That Works for Everyone

Sunrise and Landscape

— Prayer by Dr. John B. Waterhouse

I awaken to Divine Presence, knowing that this singular ineffable Cause exists perfectly, infinitely and absolutely at the point of me. It has never existed at any time or in any place more completely than It exists right here and right now as me.

As this Presence, I am keenly aware of the divine power that I evoke to manifest my heart’s desires. It is my knowing that activates divine law to the expression of my life as God’s life, now and always.

I speak my word as God’s omnipotent word, and in so doing, my life continues to be the perfect out-picturing of absolute truth.

I speak my word as the wholeness of Spirit, knowing that nothing is missing, lost, unavailable or incongruent within me. All I need to know is available to me whether by intuition, serendipitous communication, mystical revelation or any other means. I live in wholeness with every breath I take and with every thought I think.

I speak my word as the peace of Spirit, knowing that I am in sacred communion with all who join me on this journey of awakening: the two-leggeds, the four-leggeds; those who fly, swim, skim, crawl and slither, and all who send roots into the oceans’ floors, fertile fields, deserts, beaches and majestic mountains. I dwell in peaceful coexistence with all who share this planet and with this planet itself.

I speak my word as the poise of Spirit, knowing that I meaningfully contribute to the betterment of all life. I honor those who have come before me to prepare my way and those who will come after me, whose way is mine to prepare. I consciously support the betterment of this world every day of my life. I gratefully live my life in vibrant health, in abundant prosperity, and always in love. My heart is full to overflowing with gratitude for this that I know to be so.

I release my word into this one life, which is the life of God, knowing that it is reflected back to me as my extraordinary life now and always. And so it is.

— Rev. Dr. John B. Waterhouse is the co-founding minister of Center for Spiritual Living, Asheville, North Carolina. Learn more at

Red Bracelet on Prayer Rug.

What’s Luck Got to Do With It?

Perhaps we’ve all wondered at times why some folks seem to have all the luck — and others seem to have none. Can it be that spiritual laws are not equally accessible to all?

No, answers Rev. Dr. Jesse Jennings in the August 2019 issue of Science of Mind magazine. “They are equally accessible,” he writes, “and luck is just the displayed work of previously hidden causes and their effects.”

He adds that Science of Mind is “not in the business of determining why everything happens to everybody. Its point is that by starting where we are, we can improve the quality of our lives and thereby the world’s life.”

Jennings suggests we use spiritual law by first taking stock of where we are. Then we can gather ideas of where we wish to be — making sure those ideas are what we believe to be true and possible.

“Metaphysics proposes seeing with the eyes of the heart in order to then inhabit,” he explains. “If we desire some new state but don’t believe it’s possible for us, then this becomes our work: identifying and healing that inner resistance while filling ourselves with compelling images of the life we yearn for.”

The Three Planes of Life

Stone balancing

— by Ernest Holmes

Man is a threefold principle of life and action; he is spirit, soul and body. From the Spirit he receives inspiration and guidance; in the soul he finds a perfect Law of life; and through the body he proves that he is a real individualization of the Invisible Principle.

Man’s mind should swing from inspiration to action, from contemplation to accomplishment, from prayer to performance. This would be a well-balanced existence. The Spirit fires the soul with energy and understanding; the soul, which is the subjective mentality, vitalizes the body and animates all that we do.

No great mistake could be made than to think we must separate life from what it does. We must unify and not divide. …

Let us feel that our purposes are animated and inspired from on high and then let us go forth and make our dream come true in human experience. With an invisible Intelligence to guide, and an immutable Law to direct, let us take our place in any legitimate activity, and thus cause our dreams to come to full fruition.

— Excerpted from The Science of Mind textbook by Dr. Ernest Holmes.

Inside August…

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August 2019 Cover Science of  Mind Magazine Cover

Asilomar: Sermon By the Sea
by Dr. Ernest Holmes

Owning Our Divine Nature

Middle School:
It’s Lit and That’s the Tea

Daily Guides by Dr. Temple Hayes


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