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March, 2018 Newsletter #2
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Is Altruism the Antidote?

The number 8

Seasoned investigative journalist Lynne McTaggert describes herself as a “reluctant apostle” when asked about her latest book, The Power of Eight. Her work examines whether a small group of strangers — joined together to focus on one intention in meditation and prayer — can be the cause of spontaneous healing for individuals within the group.

 “Is authentic altruism the antidote for physical and mental illness, fractured relationships and, on a broad scale, tragedies like terrorism, war and violence,” asks writer Holli Sharp in the April 2018 issue of Guide for Spiritual Living: Science of Mind magazine. McTaggert, she says, has witnessed firsthand the impact of group intention and meditation. “She has recorded measurable, scientifically observable outcomes.”

Sharp outlines some of the ways in which this power of eight manifests: chronic fatigue, migraines and PTSD healed; dream jobs manifested; lifelong depression wiped away. “These gifts were showing up for groups who prayed together in person or remotely, over the phone or online,” she writes. The question is, why?

 “Maybe altruism is a big part of this,” McTaggert says. “It’s like a bulletproof vest. I’ve learned that probably the most selfish thing you can do is get off yourself and start thinking about other people.”

She says she doesn’t ask questions anymore about why this works. “Some things are beyond explanation and evidence.”

Honoring the Life of Stephen Hawking

Honoring the Life of Stephen Hawking

On March 14, 2018, the world mourned the passing of theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking, age 76. Considered one of the greatest minds of his generation, Hawking also was an avowed atheist. His work centered on black holes and big bang theory, resulting in many questions through the years about how he perceived the intersection between religion and science.

“I believe the universe is governed by the laws of science,” he said in an interview with Reuters in 2007. “The laws may have been decreed by God, but God does not intervene to break the laws.”

When asked his thoughts on the afterlife, Hawking said: “I believe the simplest explanation is, there is no God. No one created the universe and no one directs our fate. This leads me to a profound realization that there probably is no heaven and no afterlife either. We have this one life to appreciate the grand design of the universe and for that, I am extremely grateful.”

We honor Dr. Hawking’s work, his limitless curiosity and his inimitable sense of humor. We honor his path, and we know he continues to be a thread in the fabric of the grand design of the universe.

Finding the Drops To Drink

World Water Day

Today, March 22, is World Water Day, focusing on the importance of water. This year’s theme, “Nature for Water,” explores nature-based solutions to the water challenges we face in the 21st Century.

How do we reduce floods, droughts and water pollution? By using the solutions found in nature. According to, “Damaged ecosystems affect the quantity and quality of water available for human consumption. Today, 2.1 billion people live without safe drinking water at home; affecting their health, education and livelihoods.”

For today, the organization asks each of us, wherever we are and whatever we do, to make our actions focus on nature and water.

For more information, including activities and stories, visit

A Prayer for Rebirth

Dr. Ernest Holmes

Blue Flowers

I know there is a Presence that came with me when I entered this life, and I know this same Presence will go with me when I leave this physical form, for It is the Presence of eternal Life, the Life that cannot die. And because God cannot fail, and because the Divine Presence within me is God as my real self, I know there is a Power flowing through my word of faith which makes straight the way before me. I have no fear of the past, the present or the future.

Each and every day I am living in the knowledge that God is over all and through all. I feel this Presence as perfection, love and goodness making my life whole and complete.

— Excerpted from “A Holmes Reader for All Seasons,” as published in the April 2018 edition of Guide for Spiritual Living: Science of Mind magazine.

Inside April

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SOM Magazine Cover April, 2018.

Lynne McTaggart:
Beyond the Intention Experiments

A Holmes’ Reader for Spring:
Your Personal Rebirth

The Awe, the Controversy:
The Dead Sea Scrolls

Daily Guides by Rev. Sally Robbins


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