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April 2017 Newsletter #2
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Love Is the Answer

When you think of religious visionaries, Albert Einstein might not top your list. However, on closer examination, Einstein thought deeply about the connections between science and religion.

Religion - Science

In his article “Cosmic Religion: Love Is the Answer,” first published in the New York Times and reprinted in the January 1971 and May 2017 issues of Science of Mind magazine, Einstein posits, “Everything that men do or think concerns the satisfaction of the needs they feel or the escape from pain. This must be kept in mind when we seek to understand spiritual or intellectual movements and the way in which they develop. For feeling and longing are the motive forces of human striving and productivity — however nobly these latter may display themselves to us.”

He adds: “Anyone who only knows scientific research in its practical applications may easily come to a wrong interpretation of the state of mind of the men who, surrounded by skeptical contemporaries, have shown the way to kindred spirits scattered over all countries in all centuries. Only those who have dedicated their lives to similar ends can have a living conception of the inspiration which gave these men the power to remain loyal to their purpose in spite of countless failures.

 “It is the cosmic religious sense which grants this power.”

The May issue of Guide for Spiritual Living: Science of Mind magazine includes the full article — and a full issue dedicated to the imagination.

Borrow From Nature

Cherry Blossoms and Eggs

Renewal may be synonymous with springtime. As our natural world is reborn in spring, we can take lessons for our own lives. Spiritual coach and self-described “deep soulworker” Amyra Mah offers 20 approaches to self-renewal. One step she suggests is to “borrow from nature.”

“Go to a place of nature,” she says. “A park, the seaside, your backyard garden, or hike to the top of a hill. Look around you and see if you can pick anything that symbolizes renewal.

“You might spot some baby leaves sprouting from a dead trunk, flowers with half-opened petals, fruits peeking out from among thick shrubs, the hungry cries of baby birds from the tree above you, an abandoned shell of a crab that has gone on to grow a new one.

“Take a moment to appreciate the quality of newness it invokes in you as you internalize it into your body, heart and mind. Breathe in the newness and let it wash through your entire being. Feel your spirit rejuvenated.”

To see Mah’s complete list of tips for self-renewal, visit

Reexamine Our Relationships

A Mandala

Rev. Dr. Petra Weldes’s series of articles continued in the May issue of Guide for Spiritual Living: Science of Mind magazine, as she explores how changes in our spiritual lives can bring changes in our relationships. For those struggling with a loss of friends or judgment of family members, she offers these five practices:

  1. Allow yourself to grieve. It’s normal and doesn’t mean you are doing anything wrong.
  2. Seek relationships that are supportive and life affirming. Build a chosen family.
  3. Practice unconditional love without participating in toxic behavior.
  4. Stop trying to get approval or not offend. Be who you are without making another person wrong.
  5. Have respect and pride for your path. Speak with conviction about what you believe without trying to convert or convince. Just bring your voice to the table.

For more from Dr. Weldes, see the May issue of Guide for Spiritual Living: Science of Mind magazine.

God and Dr. Einstein
Ernest Holmes

God and Dr. EinsteinI would like for us to consider one more of Dr. Einstein’s propositions, in which he states that energy, which is invisible, and mass, which means physical form, are equal, identical and interchangeable. Is this any different from one of the initial statements of the Bible where it says, “In the beginning was the Word,” and where it tells us that the thought of God becomes form? What we see comes out of what we do not see.

The invisible becomes visible through a law of mind. This is what is back of psychosomatic medicine. Thoughts are things in that mental states produce definite results. This is why we meditate, pray and affirm the presence of good in our lives. …

It is wonderful that so many scientists are giving us a faith in the spiritual universe — a faith which we have already had through intuition, but which now is coming clearer and clearer into the mind’s eye. Wouldn’t it be strange if we should discover that the Bible is not only a book of spiritual inspiration, but that is also lays a spiritual foundation for many of the recent discoveries of science?

This is an excerpt from “God and Dr. Einstein” by visionary Ernest Holmes, as heard on his “This Thing Called Life” radio show on Sunday, May 21, 1950, and reprinted in the May 2017 issue of Guide for Spiritual Living: Science of Mind magazine.

Our May Issue on Newsstands Now!

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SOM Magazine Cover May, 2017.

Einstein’s Cosmic Religion

The Exploration of Imagination

In Your Dreams: What Are They Telling You?


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