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February Newsletter #1
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4 Steps to Master the Small Mind
By Kenn Gordon

Here’s the key: You always know what you need to know, when you need to know it. That’s what we mean when we say, “Be still and know.” It’s a spiritual practice that opens you to knowing what you already know. It is a means to pass that ignorant little gatekeeper we call our small, individual mind; the one that actually believes it’s got it all figured out. To master this small-mindedness, take four easy steps.

4 Steps to Master the Small Mind

Being Your Own Valentine
—Eugene Holden

You know what is vitally important this Valentine’s Day? You are! Remembering to love yourself today and every day is crucial. Do not wait for someone else to bring you gifts. Shower yourself in love. You don’t have to go out and buy a gift for yourself if you don’t want to. The greatest gift you can give yourself is to treat yourself with love and respect.

Look in the mirror, look yourself in the eyes and tell yourself that you love you. For some, this may seem difficult or even silly. But do it anyway. Loving yourself is the best way to love the world. Be your own valentine. Love yourself with all your heart.

When we love ourselves unconditionally and in turn love our neighbors as ourselves, we will see shifts happening everywhere. Be the love you want to see.

AFFIRM: I love myself completely. I am the love of God lovingly sharing my love with all who come to mind.

An excerpt from our February Daily Guides. Our guides include encouraging writings and daily affirmations to inspire you to live a richer, happier and more satisfying life.

Are You Calm or Ruffled at Work?
The Choice is Yours

Holly Duckworth

Let’s begin to pray, vision, meditate and realize a world that works for everyone wherever we are; even at work invites Holly Duckworth who writes our “Spirituality in Business” column. She says we can begin on Sunday night. “Stop saying, ‘There’s not enough time.’ Replace this with the clam knowing that you can complete what is yours to do joyfully each day. Enjoy Holly’s quick clip on bringing calm to your business life.

Enjoy Holly’s quick clip on bringing calm to your business life.

An Invitation to Christ Consciousness
Ernest Holmes

Ernest HolmesWe give only what we have. The only shadow we cast is ourselves; this shadow lengthens as we realize the Great Presence in which we live, move and have our being. Who would entertain the Christ must invite Him in! He does not come unbidden nor sit at any [person’s] table as an unwelcome guest; neither does the Divine Presence force Itself upon any. [It] stands at the door and knocks. WE MUST OPEN IF WE ARE TO RECEIVE. But how can we receive unless we first believe? We must believe that Christ indwells our own lives and stimulates all of our actions; for without Him we can do nothing.

This is an excerpt from “The Science of Mind,” written by spiritual visionary Dr. Ernest Holmes. Read more in the February 2016 issue of Science of Mind.

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Issue - On Newsstands Now!

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SOM Magazine Cover February, 2016.

Always be victorious with Dr. Terry Cole-Whittaker

How your attitude helps determine your life span

The divine power of quiet time

SACRED TRAVEL: Sedona, Japan, Indian, Bali & Bhutan

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