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A New Vision! – May 2015 Science of Mind newsletter #1  
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3 Brilliant Steps to Create a New Vision for Your Life

Dr. Kenn GordonYour entire life, well-being and joy are based on holding and following a vision for your life, says Dr. Kenn Gordon in the May issue of Science of Mind.

We were created to evolve our dreams and grow ourselves. If you’ve lost that spark for life, you need to reclaim it right now. One way is to remember what you were passionate about as a child or young adult. Was it doing acid drops on your skateboard? Spending hours getting your hair and makeup just right? You can have that same joy and excitement in your life today. READ how to create a new vision in just three simple and brilliant steps. 

Never Too Young to Live Your Vision

Three 6-year old girls skateborading.

“Gnarly in Pink” is a short documentary about 6-year-old girls who are living their vision for their life and it’s skateboarding. Enjoy!

Healing our Relationship with Mom
Dr. Marilyn Powers

Healing our Relationship with Mom

"Mom, you are perfect,”
said the card I gave to my mom on Mother's Day 1995.

"Do you really mean that?" she asked.

"Yes, Mom," I said, "you were perfect for me!"

This was the last conversation I ever had with my mother. It took place just before she died suddenly a few days later. I am grateful that before my mother left this world I could tell her from my heart that I loved her and how she was perfect for me.

Twenty years earlier while conducting cancer dream research at a hospital in Cincinnati, Ohio, I witnessed a dying mother and her daughter in a hostile angry interchange. In that moment I committed to healing my relationship with myself and my mother so that when she left, there would be no hard feelings, grievances or regrets.  

Our mother is the mirror of our emotional self from the inside out. She mirrors how we feel about ourselves and our capacity to give and receive love. Our healing and transformation of this relationship is fundamental to an open heart. It is essential for our happiness and fulfillment in all our intimate relationships.  

Take time today to remember where your mother was when she was your current age. Validate what you have in common and what needs healing. Your mother is the open door to your heart. Is that door open or closed today? 

Affirmation for Mother's Day: "Mom, you may not have been perfect and you were perfect for me."

From Dr. Marilyn Powers is the author of “The Bridge: A Seven-Stage Map to Redefine Your Life and Purpose” and co-founder of The I AM Foundation.

I know the higher truth of my life is unfolding on a daily basis.

How to Demonstrate Liberty
Ernest Holmes

To demonstrate liberty, drop all negative thoughts from the mind. Do not dwell upon adversity but think plenty into everything, for there is power in the word. Meditate on the things you are doing as being already done – complete and perfect. Try to sense the Infinite Life around and within you. This Life is already fully expressed and complete. This Life is your life now and the life of all that you do, say or think. Meditate upon this Life until your whole being flows into It and becomes one with It. Now you are ready to prove your principle by allowing this Life to flow through the thing that you are working on or for. Do not will or try to compel things to happen. Things happen by an immutable law and you do not need to energize the Essence of Being; It is already big with power. All you need to do is to realize this fact, and then let it be done unto you, or unto that for which you are working. L_E_T is a big word and an important one. By taking thought, you do not add one cubit to Reality, but you do allow (let) Reality to manifest in the things you are doing. As the power of your meditation is centered on what you are doing, life flows through that thing, animating it with real power and action, which culminates in the desired result. The Spirit of God is loosed in your work. Where this Spirit is, there is liberty.

Excerpted from “The Science of Mind” by Dr. Ernest Holmes (pages 488 – 489).

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Live life as if everything is rigged in your favor.- Rumi

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May issue – A New Vision!
Science of Mind Magazine Cover May  2015
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  • How to love our way to enlightenment with wisdom teacher Marc Gafni

  • Build more prosperity

  • Spiritual parenting – the importance of having a family vision

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