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Amy Steinberg

Amy SteinbergAlmost every day I do a 15-minute chakra aligning meditation. I found it awhile back when I was searching for a simple meditation that I could do daily to enlarge my peace and serenity. Rev. Carol Carnes, whom I greatly respect, said that "If you aren't meditating, you are trying too hard." She speaks my language. I dig ease. READ MORE

Practice Purpose in Your Life
Dennis Merritt Jones

Practice Purpose in Your LifeWhat we continually focus our energy and attention on becomes that with which we ultimately identify as the basis of our reality! Begin to explore where your mind is taking you. With what are you identifying as the core of your reality? To what are you giving your attention? Either you are rooted in Being (Infinite Presence, here and now) or you are rooted in the external world where the mind runs rampant, feeding on the latest fear presented by the media and unconscious others. You can't have it both ways. A house divided always falls.

—Excerpted from “The Art of Being – 101 Ways to Practice Purpose in Your Life

The Conscious Act of Surrender
Dr. Kenn Gordon

oak plantI teach my students what I call “to-heck-with-it consciousness.” It’s that time after you have expanded every idea and tool you possess to solve an issue, and you have come to a place where you simply don’t know where to turn or what to do, so you give up. It’s the time when I say, “Oh, to heck with it!” And lo and behold, almost instantly, it works itself out. I’m sure you can already guess what my next “Aha!” is: Why didn’t I just surrender to being with?

I teach my students another simple thing: I tell them that I once tried to put together an oak tree, but I couldn’t get the molecules to fit. However, there’s a Power that exists that does it with perfection.

Excerpted from the April issue of Science of Mind magazine.

Careful Preparation
—Dr. Ernest Holmes

Ernest HolmesCare was used in preparing the garden soil in order to get it into the proper condition. Here again the analogy to spiritual process is true: We must remove from the creative medium of Mind all negatives. It must be at peace. Everything must be removed that would obstruct the right development of whatever good results we seek. When you are poised, calm, at peace, filled with happy expectancy and serenely trusting in the fulfillment of the highest good, you are ready to do your spiritual planting.

All summer long the warmth of the sun and the refreshment of the gentle rains bring your garden through the various stages of growth to rich maturity, which is the reason you planted it. Your spiritual garden, first planted in the soil of emotional serenity, must be kept nourished with love and watered with expectancy. Do not let any weeds of doubt or anxiety hinder its progress. Give it daily attention, entirely free from worry or fear as to the outcome. Remember, you can trust the soil to do its part if you do your part!

—Dr. Ernest Holmes, “How to Change Your Life

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