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  Immersed in Perfection – May 2014, Issue 2  
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How to look at - and engage in - a photograph

Tina TurnerEven after top-line success as a rock ‘n roll photographer, Norman Seeff doesn’t even think of himself as a photographer or filmmaker. He is more interested in the process, in the journey of creativity and the relationship between him and his subjects. Seeff says: Think of a photograph like one of those icons on the desktop of your computer. It’s just a little logo or symbol, but it opens up to a world of information, like your email or the Photoshop icon. In the same way, a photograph may be a frozen moment in the continuum of life. But click open the photograph with your multidimensional awareness and then step into a world of imagination and emotion. READ MORE

Standing in the Presence of God

In the June issue, Margaret Stortz reminds us that as students of the spiritual truth, the first thing we discover is the wonderful essence of the Standing in the Presence of Godunity of all life with the presence of God. In this we find the idea of no otherness, that there cannot be God and something else, that there is only God in which we and all the things in our lives are found. In fact, at a recent ministerial activity of Centers for Spiritual Living, one of its leaders was asked to give an opening prayer. Without hesitation, the first sentence that come from his mouth was, “I believe in God and nothing else.” I thought that this was a stunning statement that recognized the essential truth of spiritual unity. Read more in the June issue, available on newsstands now.

From June’s Daily Guides

Life welcomes you! Life welcomes you! With each new day, you are invited to experience the wonder of your being. You are an expression of the one Reality from which all form arises. What an amazing awareness to contemplate! Let yourself open fully to the exquisite adventures of life. —By Kathy Juline

Spirit in Action

WonderbagIn the June issue, we show you how an insulated fabric cooking bag helps reduce poverty, global warming and sexual violence in Africa. It’s called the Wonderbag and when you purchase one, a woman in Africa also receives a bag.

Find out more -

What We Understand About Healing
Ernest Holmes

Dr. Ernest HolmesThere is no question that people throughout the ages have been healed through prayer and faith, that they have mentally contacted a healing Law in this spiritual Universe of Law and Order. How did they contact this Law? All prayer is mental, being a certain mental attitude, a certain way of thinking, a certain way of believing, an uplifting process, a belief in God. Some prayers fall short of this state, while others reach a state of spiritual awareness.

We come to understand, then, that the answer to prayer is in the prayer when it is prayed – the belief of the one praying sets in motion the Law of Love, which is the fundamental Law of the Universe.

Get WellOur life, in reality, is spiritual and mental, and until our thought is healed, no form of cure will be permanent. We understand that health is a mental as well as a physical state. We seek to heal individuals’ mentalities, knowing that to the degree in which we are successful, we shall also be healing the individuals’ bodies. We know, too, that to the degree in which we are able to see a perfect man, he will appear. We feel that the spiritual or real man is perfect and we seek to uncover this perfection which is within every man’s life. This is spiritual mind healing.

The Science of Mind

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The June issue is on sale now!
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Cover Science of Mind magazine June 2014

Wayne Dyer discusses 3 ways to enlightenment

Learn about the one-month gratitude challenge

Daily Guides provide thoughtful readings and affirmations to help you create a life you love

Jesse Jennings writes about the difference between being healed and cured

Enjoy Dr. Ernest Holmes’s article on becoming receptive to the Divine

PLUS personal affirmations on forgiveness, gratitude, love and amazing grace.

Arianna HuffingtonSneak Peak at the July Issue: Media powerhouse Arianna Huffington shares her spiritual journey.

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