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  Going Deeper—March 2012, Volume 2  
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From Prayer to Performance
Ernest Holmes

Dr. Ernest HolmesYes, the darkness hideth not from thee...the darkness and the light are both alike to thee. Psalm 139:12

To be effective, prayer must be affirmative, but this is not enough merely to affirm the Presence of God. We must add to this realization the thought that Divine Intelligence is acting in and through us now. Prayer is not a wishful or wistful longing, nor is it an escape from objective reality. To become lost in our prayers might give us an unconscious desire to escape the activities of life. Therefore, we affirm that Divine Intelligence not only knows what to do, but also impels us to act on Its knowing.

I hand my life and affairs over to Divine Intelligence, to the Power that knows how to do everything. I do this in the complete conviction that I receive only good into my experience. I know there is nothing in me that can doubt either the Divine Goodness or the operation of Its Law in my affairs. I believe that everything necessary to the fulfillment of every good desire is now in full operation, that all the circumstances in my life are tending to bring it about.

If there is anything I ought to do about this, I accept the action and know that I receive guidance and am impelled to act intelligently. Therefore, I have a complete sense of ease and assurance. I look forward joyfully as I anticipate the good that is to come into my life. I believe that all who are now praying with me will receive the answer to their desires from the same Source. My faith goes out to them even as their faith reaches back to me. For I believe that out of the great Good in which we live, there will surely come to all of us an answer to our particular need.

Excerpted from 365 Science of Mind, January 4, by Ernest Holmes, Tarcher/Penguin Publishing.

A Message from Dr. Kenn Gordon

Dr. Kenn GordonIn passionate address delivered at the Centers for Spiritual Living Conference in New Orleans, February 16, 2012, Community Spiritual Leader Dr. Kenn Gordon called our CSL communities to a time of transformation.  

Click here to listen to Dr. Kenn Gordon.

Science of Mind in Ukraine

Science of Mind in Ukraine
Rev. Barbara Leger

TEMENOS (Greek): The territory around the temple or sanctuary
where people take refuge, where healing and learning happen.

We are each the temple, and TEMENOS is a place of support and shift.

Since its beginning on September 11, 2001, a sense of immediacy has accompanied the development of TEMENOS, the Ukraine Science of Mind community. With prayers, money, and participation from friends in America, we’ve had the great joy of bringing SOM to the deeply spiritual and mystical people of a former Soviet country at a crossroads.

Click here to read this article.

A Talk from Jesse Jennings

Dr. Jesse Jennings Science of Mind readers have been inspired by the wisdom of our beloved writer Rev. Dr. Jesse Jennings for more than twenty years. Dr. Jennings is the founding minister of Creative Life Spiritual Center in suburban Houston. He created The Essential Ernest Holmes book and course, and wrote the introduction and author’s biography for the newest edition of the textbook, The Science of Mind: the Complete Edition.

In our March 2012 issue, he wrote of the ancient mysteries and their relation to New Thought. Here’s a Sunday talk from his series on the spirituality of deep antiquity, given last October, this one on the Mithraic mysteries, entitled, “I Have Borne on My Shoulders the Greatest Things of the Gods.”

Click here to listen to Dr. Jennings.

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