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  What Would Love Do? –February 2012, Volume 2  
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Life Loves and Gives
Ernest Holmes

Dr. Ernest HolmesWe believe in the eternal Goodness, the eternal Loving-kindness, and the eternal Givingness of Life to all.

The Spirit gives Itself to everyone; the Power of God is delivered to all. “Whosoever will may come.” No matter what the mistakes of our yesterdays may have been, we may transcend both the mistake and its consequence through imbibing the Spirit of Truth, which is the Power of God.

This does not mean that we may continue living in the mistake without suffering from it. We must transcend it. That is, we must transmute hate into love, fear into faith, and a sense of separation into conscious union with good. When we have done this, the entire record of the past is blotted out and we are again free—freed with that freedom which the Almighty has ordained and which man may claim as his own.

This is a statement of the Law of Cause and Effect, which is invariable and immutable, but which is also the plaything both of God and man, for while the Law Itself cannot be broken, any particular sequence of cause and effect in It can be transcended. The same law which brought poverty, sickness, and death, rightly used will bring peace, wholeness, prosperity, and life....Coming daily to the Fountain of Life to be renewed in mind, thought, and spirit, we shall find that we also are renewed in bodily conditions and in physical affairs.

Excerpted from How to Change Your Life by Ernest Holmes, Science of Mind Publishing.

Cynthia James Releases a New Book

Cynthia JamesOur beloved Rev. Cynthia James contributed Science of Mind’s Daily Guides for the month of February. This talented writer and inspirational teacher recently released a new book, Revealing Your Extraordinary Essence: Practical Tools for Empowered Living. James acts as a masterful guide for anyone seeking a path to a more powerful, authentic, and creative life. The book is based on the premise that each person has the potential to express life in an extraordinary way—consciously awake and joyously fulfilled. This extraordinary gem is packed with life-changing Book Coverwisdom and practical strategies to help one move beyond an intellectual understanding of concepts and into an empowering embodiment of those ideas. If you are truly ready to transcend old patterns of behavior and unlock your authentic potential, take the journey with these practical, life-changing tools.

Click here to listen to an interview with Rev. Cynthia James on Voice America. James discusses tools to help you navigate life’s changes. Host Ken Ludwig anchors his show with wisdom from Ernest Holmes, and inspirational music by Barry Ebert ask us to consider “What We’re Thinking About.”

The Science of Mind on CD!

The bestselling metaphysical book The Science of Mind is now available on compact disc. The complete textbook is read with power, passion, and inspiration by Rev. Cynthia James.

Click here to listen to Rev. Cynthia read “Peace Be unto Thee, Stranger,” the preface to the The Science of Mind and an excerpt to “The Introduction.”

Click here to order The Science of Mind by Ernest Holmes read by Rev. Cynthia James.

Dr Bruce Lipton and The Biology of Belief

Science of Mind's February feature "The Biology of Love," by Dr. Deb Sandella, fascinated readers with new research on the connection between our thoughts and the health of our cells. We are not the victim of our genes.

Click here to listen to Dr. Bruce Lipton discuss research on epigenetics and how your thinking impacts your biology.

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CSL—A New Organization Equipped for Transformational Times

Centers for Spiritual Living held its first convention as an integrated organization February 12 – 17 in New Orleans, Louisiana. After more than fifty years as two organizations, attendees delighted in the opportunity to pray, bond, learn, commune, and celebrate together. The conference theme, “Connecting Spiritual Leaders,” set the tone as outstanding teachers, speakers, and workshops inspired convention participants. Workshops focused on the areas of spiritual growth, center growth and financial well-being, and taking our teaching to the world.

Rev. Dr. John WaterhouseRev. Dr. Kenn Gordon

Participants had the honor of electing new leadership to guide the organization as we move forward in the twenty-first century with the intention of taking Science of Mind into the world in a greater way than we have done before. Rev. Dr. John Waterhouse, co-minister of Center for Spiritual Living Asheville, North Carolina, was elected as the first president of the new organization. He expressed his belief that there is no challenge that we cannot meet when we work together.

The new Community Spiritual Leader Rev. Dr. Kenn Gordon, the co-pastor of Center for Spiritual Living in Kelowna, British Columbia, and the former president of International Centers for Spiritual Living, accepted the light of leadership from the beloved Rev. Dr. Kathy Hearn, the former Community Spiritual Leader for United Centers for Spiritual Living. Dr. Gordon called the organization to a time for transformation: “Now is the time to release thoughts of separation that can block us from moving forward. We need a new thought right now. There is a bigger idea than we know, but there is a Power that knows. We need to open to that Power and release anything that keeps us from creating a world that works for everyone.”

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