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  The Art of Collage as a Spiritual Practice  
  Katy Taylor  
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Collage Unlerned

My collage process has two forms:

  • Consciously choosing to explore a certain topic because I know there is gold there; something I want to explore and integrate
  • Starting from scratch with no particular topic and allowing whatever is there to arise.

I find both of these processes yield fruit. Even when I know the topic I want to explore, I don't know what will surface. In both cases, I allow the images, words, colors, shapes and textures to guide me, to draw me in. I don't know how they will fit together or even if they will, but I gather the materials that call to me and then see what takes shape, allowing the process to inform me as it evolves, and to let me know when it is complete.

I love working with lots of colors, textures, photos, poetry and found objects —  including earrings, beads, jewelry, sticks or leaves and ribbon — amid the clipped images.

The finished collage often holds new insight and meaning that I wasn't aware of going into it. I love how the process unfolds — it's not about my conscious mind deciding what I need or want, but more about a deeper knowing and wisdom of wholeness and heartfulness and beauty coming through.

Collage Who Are You

Katy Taylor is a Women’s Holistic Health & Wellness Coach and Certified Way of the Happy Woman® Teacher. She offers women’s wellness coaching and retreats as well as Enneagram workshops and consultations. Visit

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