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  The words reflect one's inner self  

Finally, when she was finished calling him names and abusing him, Mahmud just greeted her, smiled, and said, "And a nice day to you," and continued on his way.

Why did Mahmud, the pious man, behave this way?
It is because he knew that everything she said was just a reflection of her own inner self.

If you use bad language, you are just making obvious to everybody how far away you really are from Allah, since your words are in reality a reflection of your own inner self.

- From Sahih al-Bukari

When we constructively praise and creatively bless, life abounds with love, peace and joy. Let goodness shine forth. Let us learn to see that everyone is an evolving Christ. Let us so live and think that we may retire at night in peace, knowing that no harm can come to the soul; that we may rise in the morning renewed in body and in mind, with a brighter outlook, a happier expectation and a clearer joy, looking upon all with love, condemning none and blessing even those who seek to injure us. Let us learn to be perfect, even as that Divine Being, residing in the heart of all and overshadowing eternity, must also be perfect.

The Science of Mind” by Dr. Ernest Holmes, page 434

Family Activity: The Name Game!Family Activity: The Name Game!

A fun activity for everyone!

About The Golden Thread of Truth: Parents all over the world share parables and stories with their children. The Golden Thread of Truth shares stories from all the world’s religions and teachings to expand respect and understanding.

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