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The Story of Moses and the 10 Commandments

On the third morning after Moses had talked to God, the Israelites where busy making their breakfast when all of a sudden there was a large rumble and a flash of light over the mountain. Anyone who was still sleeping was startled and woke up suddenly.

Everyone went out to look and just over the mountain there was lightning and thunder, and a very thick cloud hung over the mountain so you couldn't see the top. Even the mountain shook and the sound of trumpets could be heard getting louder and louder.

After that, Moses went back up the mountain. But this time he stayed there for a long time (40 days and 40 nights), God sure had a lot to tell him. God wanted to instruct the people on how to live. 

 By following God’s rules, they would have less sadness in their lives. God just wanted to protect them.

It's just like when our parents give us rules to protect us such as look both ways before we cross the street, or not to hit our brother or sister. Our parents give us rules because they love us and know what's best for us.

Remember as you hear each commandment that they are all equally important. One is not more important than the other.

“All mystics have seen this cosmic Light. This is why it is said they were illumined. They have all had the same experience, whether it was Moses coming down from the mountain, [or] Jesus after the resurrection. …” . ~ The Science of Mind by Dr. Ernest Holmes, page 344.

Family Activity: The 10 Commandments Handprints

The 10 Commandments HandprintsA great way to remember!

About The Golden Thread of Truth: Parents all over the world share parables and stories with their children. The Golden Thread of Truth shares stories from all the world’s religions and teachings to expand respect and understanding.

Find more crafts on our Pinterest site or get the entire summer program with activities for teens, expanded stories and Q&A from the website.

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