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  Dennis Merritt Jones  


Dennis Merritt Jones2. LOOK within and realize all that you are is the Essence of the Divine.

Intentionally withdrawing our gaze from the outer reality to our inner Reality is not always easy because the outer world is so seductive--there is so much going on that we think we need to be part of to survive on the surface of life. As we mindfully begin to look within we descend to the center of our being where we’ll discover that sacred part of ourselves which knows that while we may be “in this world” we are not “of this world.” Looking within first, rather than to the world, to understand and respond to ‘what is’ in the moment, is the act of a true master. A master is one who knows that the saying “As within, so without” is far more than a catch phrase--it’s a way of being--a way of walking a sacred path on the surface of life regardless of where we are or what we are doing.

3. LISTEN to the serene voice of the Beloved in the silence beneath the chattering mind.

There is a profound difference between hearing and listening. Hearing is a function of the human ear and listening is a function of an attuned, receptive mind and an open heart. Deep listening happens not only with our inner ear but also by means of our emotions and feeling nature. At the deepest level of our being the voice of the Infinite One communicates by means of our intuition, which is first experienced as a feeling in our heart center which then rises to our mind as an inner knowing. When we are still enough to listen to the serene voice of the Beloved we shall access the wisdom and guidance we seek, experience the wellbeing that is inherent, and actualize the authentic power that has always been there awaiting our arrival and acceptance.

At the end of the day, the practice of mindfully going to the center of our being by taking time to stop, look, and listen will help us survive our frenzied mind as it zooms across the surface of our daily life, too often forgetting that it best serves us when it is mindfully anchored in our body. Paying attention to the moment and what we are doing in it isn’t really that difficult, especially when we can remember that--in truth--the present moment is all we ever really have. Given this perspective it makes good sense to embrace the gift Life is offering us in this and every precious moment and honor it--the good, the bad and the ugly. Mindfulness is a way to align with Life Itself and never take a moment of it for granted. Perhaps the innate call to pay attention really is an invitation--a divine, albeit subtle, nudge--from the Universe to actualize our Oneness with It. Have you yet accepted the invitation? Just stop, look, and listen, and you’ll know.

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